Intro to Amazon Pay

Amazon Pay provides buyers with a secure, trusted, and convenient way to sign in and pay for their purchases on your site by using their Amazon credentials.

This guide provides an overview of the buyer experience, and tells you how to integrate Amazon Pay Checkout to your web application.

The Amazon Pay checkout experience

  1. The buyer clicks on the Amazon Pay button to start checkout.
  2. The buyer signs in, confirms their preferred payment instrument, and optionally selects a shipping address on the Amazon Pay-hosted page.
  3. The buyer is redirected back to your order review page for confirmation.
  4. The buyer confirms the order details on your page and when clicking the Place Order button, is redirected to the Amazon Pay Processing page.
  5. Amazon Pay redirects the buyer back to your payment processing page, and you can proceed with the processing payment steps with your acquirer.
  6. In case of a declined authorization, you can redirect the buyer to an Amazon Pay Decline Handling page to update the payment instrument for the transaction and try Processing Payment again.